Over the summer I completed a copper sculpture and installed it in its new home in Montana. It has three halogen lights that shine down on the table. The metal os copper and it is really great to work in heavy copper plate. The stuff is soft and easy in certain ways that steel is not.

It feels good to work and is fun to patina and finish. The center section of the work is oak. The wiring for the piece is part of the structure. The support wires are copper coated steel and they each carry a 12v DC charge. I tried to make the circutry as transparent as possible- something reminiscent of 1920s technology. I fell like it is a very successfull piece. I have the option to make one more similar to it. Please let me know anyone is interested. It can be shipped relatively easily.
BIG NEWS>>>>>> I have been granted an artist residency in western australia for 5 months this dec-may. The whole family will be going and we are very excited about it. We will be staying in downtown Fremantle. It is just a few miles from Perth. I don't know exactly what projects I am going to do down there.
Please let me know if you have insights or stories about australia! I have had several ideas for public art projects and sent out emails in order to get the ball rolling but have had little response. is it me or is email response optional down under? Oh well. It will work out one way or another.
We are planing to spend a week in Brisbane before going to Freo (Fremantle). We want to get a sense of life in the east coast first.
So the two residencies that I have lined up are almost exactly on opposite sides of the earth- (antipodes); Newfoundland and Fremantle. It seems like that fact should somehow be tied into the work. I can't quite see how to do it yet. Please send comments and ideas...