Back in the states for a few months now. Australia was an amazing experience for all of us. I am sure that I will take a new direction with my art. Doing the "displacement" series and all of the research really made me aware of how much I love to dive deeply into a topic then create work based on the time I have spent there.
I sold some of the bronzes from the displacement series but I am creating new bronzes that, while different than the ones they are replacing, will fit conceptually into the show. If this all goes well I will recreate the "Displacement" installation in the Portland Area.
The bronzes are underway as I have delivered the waxes to the foundry in Sandy Oregon. I should get them back any day now. Here are a few photos of the waxes. The bronzes can be mounted in stone of wood bases. They are all available... I can send you info, photos, prices etc.

As this blog is a place for all of my studio experiments I will share one that I did this week. I am not a 2d artist per se. I have done some photography (the airliners underwater) those projects were about the action of setting up the scene as much as about the resulting photos.
This drawing I did is truely a 2d piece. It is Graphite on a black gesso on a board.

It is hard as an artist with a decade of experience in art practice to start in another discipline. Especially one that is as established as painting or drawing. It isn't easy to be a novice at something. I look at what I do and I know it doesn't match the concept that was in my head (which is perfect of course. It isn't easy but it is real and it is part of the creative process.
In other out-of-my-league news I am working on a play. It is a two-character single act play. Very interesting to do work that happens (shows itself) over time. Thinking of sculptures and creative projects usually doesnt involve a plot that occurs over a period of time. It is alot of fun to think about but it is definitely hard being a novice.
I have hired a studio and marketing assistant. In the next few months I will update all of my online info and have more of a regular, and updated, presence. Feedback is so valued.