Monday, May 19, 2008

New projects

With the arrival of warmer weather I have started a new photography project. As I haven’t used photography in my creative work other than photographing my sculpture, I don't know how this will manifest itself. I am very drawn to this project and it has been in the back of my mind for years. Hear are a few sample shots. They are taken in a swimming pool using scale models. I hope to get out into some local streams here in the next few months if I can handle the always cold, cold water.

I hope to refine the idea and technique over the summer.I would like to come up with a body of work that I will print on canvas. For now I am still trying to figure out what it is about.

I would like some feedback about it- if you have time or opinions please let me know.


8ly said...

If your models swam for an airline what would the name/s of the airline/s be?

John Mayo said...

If the models had an airline I am sure it would be "virgin Atlantis".
Thanks for the comment.

Anonymous said...


8ly said...

I get the joke just not the 1,000 photos from a pool's shallow end.