I have been wondering recently why it is hard for me to keep current on this blog and I think I am getting the reason. Since this is my "studio" blog many people come here from my website I never know who is reading what I am writing. Not know for whom I am writing has made it hard to find my voice.
See, I might write differently for other artists than I do for collectors, curators, friends, and family members. Not having developed the right voice has held me back until now.
It's not as if there is nothing to talk about. I am constantly working on creative projects in my studio of all sizes. I often have little projects that keep the juices flowing, photography projects, film proposals, larger sculptures for sale and even larger public proposals. All this needs to be more front and center on the blog.
As for other artists: I am constantly wrestling with the creative process and learning something every time. I know it is beyond valuable when I hear other artists talk about their challenges and successes when it comes to being truely creative.
So here is the voice- It will just be honest. I have had comments on my site when I posted photos that were less than polished of works in process- I am not going to let that slow me down. If you want polished go to the website. This blog is going to be real and sometimes real is messy. I hope that curators and collectors will understand that real dedication to creativity is not always "on track" or consistent.
Some of the projects that I talk about on the blog will migrate over to the website if they end up fitting in but way more never make it.
So now that I am rededicated to keeping this a thriving blog I am going to look around the studio and put on some recent projects that you havent seen.
My website is being updated as we speak so expect lots of new (polished) photos and text. It has been almost three years since the last update. I will try not to let that happen again...