So far I have used this blog to as sort of a virtual studio. To show projects and ideas that are in progress or might never see the light of a gallery. It has been several months since my last post but my lack of writing has nothing to do with my creativity level. I have been very busy working on several commission projects and a few new sculptures.
Today I want to write about an inspiration instead of an action. I have always tried to follow my interests- investigate them thoroughly and hopefully they become fodder for my work.
At the moment I am totally absorbed by air traffic over the north atlantic. It sounds pretty strange, I know- but there is a alot here. It is the busiest air corridor in the world and also one of the most isolated and potentialy hostile.
I have the air trafic control frequency for Gander, Newfoundland playing on my studio computer. The controlers can't really talk to the plane once they get out over the ocean- they set them up with certain clearance containing altitude, precise speed, track, and time of entry and they funnel them onto this set of 6 or 7 skyways that are laterally separated.
Late in the afternoon pacific time is when many of the big jets are heading out eastward over the ocean for an arrival early in the morning in europe and asia, I am hearing flights receiving there clearance as they pass the maritime provinces of canada. Delta 72 from JFK to Itanbul, American 236 to Rome.
Coming back the other way in the morning and mid-day are westbound flights and the controllers are quizing them about the state of the air at their altitudes for the last several hours so they can pass the info on to the eastbounders.
There is something so exotic, dangerous, and romatic about it to me. To the people o the radio it is another day at the office. Navigating high above the north atlantic in the dark of night at 8/10th the speed of sound; It seems so brave and at the moment it is so interesting.
I am scheduled to do an artist residence on the north east corner of Newfoundland in the fall of 2010 . It is directly under these tracks. I know that focus will translate to something in my work, if not sooner than later.
1 comment:
This should produce some really intriguing work. Look forward to seeing it.
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